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Fundraising – What Can You Do?


A couple weeks ago, we talked about registration fees on our Hockey Mom in Canada facebook page. Over 70 of you responded to my questions, “What are your association’s registration fees, and where are you from?”

We learned that registration fees  vary greatly, from $150 for a player in house league, to $3000 for a player at the AAA level. Fees vary by age level, province, region within province, and sometimes there is a rural vs urban divide. I suspect that many factors come into play when associations set registration fees, including tradition, number of players, cost of ice, insurance, and referees, and inclusion of equipment fees, to name just a few.

Regardless of where you are in Canada, fundraising by your association can often offset the need for larger registration fees. Fundraising efforts for associations vary as much as the fees themselves, but in our area, fundraising has always been extremely important to keep down costs. Our present fundraising coordinator, and some enthusiastic and dedicated parents, have run some terrific fundraisers, including:Our annual raffleGolf tournament (including silent and large auction)Softball tournamentSales of hockey calendarsPoker tournaments50/50 draws

Last year alone, these efforts raised close to 40% of our association’s total operating costs.

Because Hockey Moms in Canada are so involved in fundraising efforts, I’m interested in learning what your association does for fundraising, what works, and what doesn’t. Once we get the ideas together, we’ll list them all on the Hockey Mom in Canada website. If you have a fundraising idea, leave a comment on the facebook page, or email

Happy fundraising!

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